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Karyn Nakamura: Art n Technology
Portrait of student artist Karyn Nakamura
Memory, Solving the Maze
Exploring the interplay of memory and trauma
by Pablo Correa Torres
The Puppet Theater
Artistry at an Armenian children's puppet theater
by Canay Ozden and Altan Bal
Rocks, Bands, Logic
The lives of three MIT graduate student, by Lan LiLocal Water
Oyster harvesting in Wellfleet, MA, by Pim JularALB006: The Quality of Water
Citizen science and water testing on the Mystic River
by Caterina Scaramelli
MIT: Regressions
“Who is MIT?”
by Lucas Igel and Wesley BlockSushi with Strangers
I Made a Free 16 Course Sushi Dinner for Random MIT Students!
Boston March for Science, 2017
Boston and Cambridge institutions converge in support of science, by MIT DV LabDV Lab, Spring 2017
21A.339J/STS.064J DV Lab: Documenting Science through Video and New Media, 3-3-6 HASS, An introductory exploration of documentary film theory and production, focusing on documentaries about science, engineering, and related fields. Students engage in digital video production as well as social and media analysis of science documentaries. The class uses documentary video making as a tool to explore the worlds of science and engineering, as well as a tool for thinking analytically about media itself and the social worlds in which science is embedded. Class includes a lab component devoted to digital video production.